I love the romantic feel of outdoor maternity sessions and with Shanna and Jeff, it truly was a beautiful time. The love shared between this couple was so nice to observe. I'm looking forward to meeting their new little on in August.
Didn't I say earlier that I had a number of sweet little girls in my studio this month. I knew you'd agree. Lilyanna was another one of those dolls i loved photographing. We apparently had a black & white theme going on. I really like it though.
this past month I've been blessed with darling sweet little girls to photograph in my studio. Brynleigh was another one of those little dolls. Isn't she a sweetie? Who could resist this little one's smile? not Mom and Dad for sure!
Little girls are such fun to photograph and little Chloe was just one of those sweethearts. Take a look at the images of this little doll and tell me you don't want one!
One of the things I enjoy most as a photographer is hanging out with families. They joy shared is so much fun to capture on camera and I leave after every session feeling so happy and full of life. this family was no exception.
I can't believe how much this little one has grown since the last time I had the pleasure of photographing her. It was a joy then and it was even more of a joy this time with all her carefree facial expressions.
Woke up to rain and thought we weren't going to be able to photograph this family of boys. However, the skies opened up, the rain stopped, and the sun came out so we could get some shots before they enjoyed an afternoon barbecue. Enjoy your sneak peeks.