I had so much fun with these two little brothers. they're so full of energy that it makes you feel young again...and it makes me miss my kids at this age...if only they could stay little forever!
This little cutie was adorable to shoot...he keeps mom and dad pretty busy though! he really likes to explore! and he liked my singing & dancing snowman
I've had the opportunity to photograph Missy on a couple of occasions. She's a sweet beautiful girl and makes my work easy...her brother Jason joined us this time and I think enjoyed the top model posing more than Missy. they decided to have photos taken for their parents for Christmas...what a fantastic idea! so, shhhhhh, don't tell their parents about the blog! we don't want to spoil the surprise. I'm so glad that when I mentioned graffiti they we're up for it. What a great backdrop for siblings.
Here, they're just hang'n around. Jason will be leaving in a few months for Afganistan. We'll be wishing you well when you go, and sending our support. It's these guys that make it easy to be proud to be Canadian.
It's hard to believe that Christmas is coming pretty soon with the weather we've been having lately. My son was in the Santa Claus Parade so despite my tooth ache, I waited along the parade route to see him. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see him because he also had a hockey game, so my husband had to get him out of parade early to get to the game on time. It's always fun to watch the kids in and at the parade as it always puts you in the spirit!
So while shooting Isabella's Christmas photos, she once again wanted to dress up like a "fairytale with wings", so this time, we went out into the woods in my backyard. I think she really does look like a pixie in a fairytale.
My grandneice and nephew stopped in for their Christmas photos. It was a blast...they're so adorable!!! For those of you who haven't booked their Christmas session, I have to apologize as I'm booked for this year.
Suckers are always a big hit!!!!
So glad my neighbour is a landscaper...I borrowed his fencing for this shot.